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Media and Podcasts

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Dr. Diego on the Golf Channel with Special Operations and Veterans Alternative in Ireland.

University of South Florida on Accelerated resolution therapy (ART)

Dr. Diego Last Out from CBS this morning

Lt. Col Mann TEDx on Generosity of Scars

Lt. Col Mann’s Interview with Tom Brokaw..

Leadership Resources

LT Col Scott Mann and Dr. Diego

We have a saying in the military when everything is falling apart and we are facing chaos that the enemy is danger close. As this pandemic upends every aspect of our lives, we have a new enemy that’s danger close and it’s up to us to lead ourselves through the chaos.

Clinical Psychologist Diego Hernandez and I sat down to talk to you about you and your life and give you some mental performance and special operations moves so you can lead yourself effectively right now while things are falling apart around you.

Get the full training video by clicking the button below and share the link with the folks in your life that need it. We’re all in this fight together.

Danger Close



Law Enforcement and Operational Stress

Ep 93: Practicing Resilience and Creating an Emotional Survival Plan with Dr. Diego Hernandez

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